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Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a procedure that isolates platelets from your blood to generate a concentrate, which is injected into the injured tissue to help in speedier healing. To completely grasp PRF, you must first comprehend that your blood comprises plasma, platelets, and white and red blood cells. When you are injured, platelets coagulate your blood and start the healing process. They promote the healing response of “other proteins and growth factors present in your platelets,” aiding skin repair and reducing inflammation. The PRF approach enhances the healing process by using a fibrin meshwork of your platelets and growth factors. The fibrin mesh functions similarly to a bandage.

PRF and Its Importance in Dental Implant Surgery

PRF or platelet-rich-fibrin is a technique during which platelets in your blood are isolated to create a concentrate that is injected (with your own plasma) into damaged tissue to aid in faster healing. To fully understand PRF, you must understand that your blood is comprised of platelets, plasma, and red & white blood cells. When you suffer an injury, the platelets clot your blood to begin the healing process. They encourage the healing response of “growth factors and other proteins found in your platelets” that also assist in repairing the skin and reducing inflammation. The PRF technique actually takes this healing process one step further with a fibrin meshwork comprised of your growth factors and platelets. This fibrin mesh acts almost like a bandaid.

Dental Implant Surgery

Why use PRF?

During the PRF technique, a sample of your blood is put into a centrifuge which separates it into 3 different layers: red blood cells, plate rich fibrin (PRP) and platelet poor fibrin (PPP) Your dentist will then use PRF to create a resorbable membrane (band aid) over the surgical site. The beauty of PRF is that your blood is not altered in any way, in turn, your body will essentially be healing naturally at an accelerated rate with the end goal of “rebuilding and regenerating.”

Due to its ability to aid in the healing process, PRF is often used during any dental surgical procedures. When dental surgeons remove bone, and damaged tissue or perform dental implant surgery, it is imperative that the area heal as quickly as possible, in turn, PRF serves as a wonderful tool in the dental field.

Importance of PRF in Dental Implant Surgery

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